Bio-Mine understands how important testing is to mine operators. The costs of Pilot projects are high, and time is at a premium so operators must be very diligent in their data analysis before making decisions on any innovation or technology. Bio-Mine provides a 7000 sq ft lab facility in Sudbury Ontario with the top scientists in their fields along with very sophisticated analysis and testing capabilities. Our mine partners send us material all the time, to test different cleantech. We provide a very meticulous testing regime along with detailed data reports for the operators to make informed decisions on the cleantech and its effect on the ore. Bio-Mine is in the midst of constructing a prototype cleantech plant, capable of testing the process of leaching and detox / remediation on a larger scale here in Sudbury. It will consist of state of the art automation and sensors for valuable feedback on the results of the plant. Operators can send us tailings or raw ore to run through the circuit and receive the data results on using our cleantech plant design. This bulk data analysis is designed to give operators more confidence in potentially implementing cleantech on their sites.
Cleantech pre-treatment at Bio-Mine consists of Advanced oxidation methods and bio-tech. Operators can send us stubborn material to our facility and can test the ability to pre-treat for heap leaches or tank based at different particle sizes. As the costs for grinding keep rising, operators search for technologies that can be effective at larger particle sizes, and Bio-mine has this regime at the top of our pre-treatment testing plan.
Bio-Mine is fully equipped to test leaching and recovery using our custom lixiviants and innovative processes. We can test in bottle rolls, and aerated mixing tanks here at our facility. We work with our operators on increasing their efficiency of the leaching as well as replacing all toxic processes with non-toxic versions.
Bio-Mine is heavily invested in Clean remediation, and our facility is fully equiped to test sequences of cleantech for the treatment of tails or mine water. We are also constructing a prototype cleantech tailings treatment plant here in Sudbury, where operators can send us tails for full analysis on the effectiveness of clean treatment using our system. We are testing many different clean chemistries and bio-tech in this field, assembling a suite of tools for the clean remediation of any tailings pond anywhere in the world. We are fully equipped to test any technology for our partners in remediation and detox.